Gwinhurst Civic Association is a 100% volunteer run organization whose mission is to foster the betterment of our community. The association represents 5 subdivisions in northern New Castle: Gwinhurst, Perkins Run, Clayton Place, Greenmount, and Hillendale

This represents over 650 residential properties.

The association is solely responsible for snow removal for this entire area, as Delaware’s Dept. of Transportation (DelDOT) does not plow nor salt residential roads.

Other initiatives we have led with our county and state agencies include road repairs/re-pavings throughout the community, storm drainage, transfer ownership of paper streets, transfer of ownership of Prior Road to DelDOT in order to find a permanent solution to the road repairs necessary there, and lastly, overdue park maintainance of Gwinhurst Park.

We also aid in the advertising of an annual community-wide yard sale event every May.

Meeting Schedule

The civic association meets quarterly from 7-8pm at the Holly Oak Methodist Church at the corner of Philadelphia Pike and West Holly Oak Rd (1511 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, DE 19809)

2025’s meeting dates are: February 3, May 5, August 4, November 3rd

Please note, that we used to meet at the VFW on Philadelphia Pike on Thursdays, but the VFW closed. So we have moved our meeting venue to the church AND moved the meeting to Monday nights.



Feb 3rd 2025: Civic Meeting @ Holly Oak Methodist Church @ 7pm . Enter via door at rear of building


Nov 3rd 2024: Civic Mtg and Board Elections

Annual Dues

These dues allow members to vote on issues and hold board positions. The dues pay for the association’s operations including this website, postal mailings, snow removal, and other community benefit programs we wish to implement.

We kept our annual dues at $10 per household for 2025 (down from $25 in 2023).

Each household should send their $10 annual payment to 1903 Lincoln Ave, Edgemoor, DE 19809-1430. Please make the check payable to Gwinhurst Civic Association. Thank you!

Or you can use a digital only payment option via Venmo. Please pay $10.30 to cover the transaction fee that Venmo imposes. Don’t forge t to record the street address of the payment so that we can properly record which homes have paid.

We had to create a new Facebook group on 6/15/2024. The link to the new FB group has been updated below. Please join the new group if you are a resident of Gwinhurst, Greenmount, Hillendale, Perkins Run, or Clayton Place.